Partnering with a 1031 Advisor

The Value of Partnering with 1031 Advisors

Selling an investment property and completing a 1031 exchange is an important financial decision. The assets involved in a 1031 exchange almost always represent a substantial amount of money and a significant portion of net worth. We recognize and appreciate this fact and take the time to ensure you have the information, knowledge and guidance you need, regardless of the size of your exchange.

Our Experienced 1031 Advisors

For over a decade, Chicagoland 1031 Exchange has been helping clients complete their 1031 exchanges. With over 200 completed transactions and a wealth of knowledge, you can leverage our 1031 advisory experience to ensure your exchange runs smoothly.

There are many parties involved in a 1031 exchange including accountants, attorneys, sponsors, and more, and each play an important role. Our role, and our main goal, is to simplify the process and help you see and understand the bigger picture and what makes sense for your unique financial goals and situation.

We are here to:

  • Help you make sense of a complicated process
  • Act as a sounding board
  • Listen to and answer your questions
  • Get to know you and take the time to inform you
  • Empower you to feel confident in your decisions
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